Logan W – Diffuser


Agad Mobile Wall

Inspired by our patented Fixart tube system, we developed the Agad mobile wall for our Pro Audio market, from musicians to sound mixers. The need for portable sound treatment is ever-increasing, be it for a portable studio, to treat that one remaining doorway, or for configurable rooms and auditoriums, Agad Mobile Wall does just this. The mobile wall is created with 3 Agad absorber panels, giving you a lightweight, versatile and high-performance solution at an affordable cost. (Patente P.)

1Box Pack  ( 640 x 385 x 640 mm)
-Quantity: 2 mobile walls, each with 3 Agad absorbers panels

-Wall Size: 1850 x 600 mm   
-Box Weight: 15,90 Kg



Available Finishes & Packs

FG | Foam

EAN 13: 5600449593191

Dimensions: 595x252x1813mm
Weight: 7.13Kg


Units per box: 2
Dimensions: xxmm
Volume: 0.0m3   |   Weight: 16.1Kg


Passion for Acoustics